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BINDER™ Qualification Documents IQ/OQ /PQ

Qualification documents - IQ/OQ/PQ documents – supporting documents for validation performed by customers, according to customer requirements, PQ section added to qualification folder IQ/OQ; parameters: temperature, CO2, O2 – or pressure, depending on unit.

Brand:  BINDER™ 7007-0007

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Product Code. 16474009

  • 30035.00 NOK / Each

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  • Parameters depending on unit
  • Available as hardcopy inside folder or PDF document


BINDER Chambers (Series KBF P, KBF LQC, KBW, KBWF)
On request
BINDER Chambers
Qualification documents - Hard copy inside folder, IQ/OQ/PQ documents - supporting documents for validation performed by customers, according to customer requirements, PQ section added to qualification folder IQ/OQ; parameters: temperature, humidity, and light values
IQ/OQ Documentation (Hardcopy)
IQ/OQ/PQ with Completion of Documents; Parameters: Temperature, Humidity, and Light Values
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Name des Produkts
BINDER™ Qualification Documents IQ/OQ /PQ > IQ/OQ/PQ; Version: Hardcopy inside folder; Parameters: temperature, humidity, and light values

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