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Merck Amicon™ Stirred Cells
Amicon stirred cells concentrate samples rapidly but gently, using magnetic stirring to minimize concentration polarization and shear stress-induced denaturation.
Brand: Merck UFSC20001
Pressure Limitation. Do not operate the stirred cell above 5.2 bar (75 psi).
This Amicon stirred cell model provides high flow rates with solutions up to 10% macrosolute concentration. Capable of rapid concentration, or salt removal followed by concentration in the same unit.Services
One year
Autoclavable | |
Ultracel™, Biomax™, and Durapore™ membrane discs for use in stirred cells | |
Amicon™ Stirred Cell 200 mL | |
200 mL |
Amicon Stirred Cell 200 mL | |
Concentration, Buffer Exchange, Desalting | |
Ultrafiltration Equipment |
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Merck Amicon™ Stirred Cells > 200mL
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