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6-chloroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole, 97%, Thermo Scientific™ Product Code.: 10713833

6-chloroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole, 97%, Thermo Scientific™

Product Code. 10713833
1 g
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Product Code. 10713833

Brand: Thermo Scientific Maybridge SPB05749DA

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Chemische Identifikatoren

CAS 23576-81-0
Molecular Formula C5H3ClN2S
Molecular Weight (g/mol) 158.603
MDL Number MFCD00173802
PubChem CID 721582
IUPAC Name 6-chloroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole


CAS Min % 97.0
Assay Percent Range 97%
Packaging Amber glass bottle
Linear Formula C6H5CH2CH2NCS
Quantity 1 g
Synonym 6-chloroimidazo 2,1-b thiazole, 6-chloroimidazo 2,1-b 1,3 thiazole, 6-chloroimidazole 2,1-b 1,3 thiazole, 6-chloroimidazo 2,1-b 1,3-thiazoline, chloroimidazobthiazole, acmc-1cip3, 6-chloro-imidazo 2,1-b thiazole, imidazo 2,1-b thiazole,6-chloro, imidazo 2,1-b thiazole, 6-chloro, 6-chloro-4h-imidazo 2,1-b thiazole
Formula Weight 158.61
Percent Purity 97%
Chemical Name or Material 6-chloroimidazo[2, 1-b][1, 3]thiazole
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6-chloroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole, 97%, Thermo Scientific™ >

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